
[vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” fixed_background=”yes” css=”.vc_custom_1489527790765{background-position: center !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;background-size: cover !important;}”][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_single_image image=”14076″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” style=”vc_box_rounded”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1489422545405{padding-top: 10px !important;padding-right: 10px !important;padding-bottom: 10px !important;padding-left: 10px !important;background-color: #ffffff !important;border-radius: 5px !important;}”]HandPan , HangDrum, CaisaDrum,ect.

„Dla mnie osobiście instrument ten to kosmiczna fuzja mis tybetańskich , gongów i “piątego elementu” ??
Jego piękne, zaczarowane dźwięki wpływają korzystnie na ciało i ducha, oddziałując kojąco i wyciszająco –
w szczególności stabilizująco na naszą energetykę”.
Krzysztof Lottig


Krzysztof Lottig-AirMan_River of Life (432Hz)

Rzeka życia płynie wciążMy płyniemy razem z niąUnosimy się z prądemZataczając życia krąg Gdzie jej kres? Gdzieś daleko stądFale rozbijają się o obiecany lądNie zrobisz nic, by pokonać nurtWalczyć z nim, to jak walić głową w murCzemu wciąż oglądasz się za siebieZamiast poczuć zapach nieba i smak chmurKażdy z nas zostawia cośZa zakrętem ginie dawno już spalony mostTwarze, które kochałeś zamieniają się w prochA kolejny krok sprawia, że to, co bolało, zapada się w mrokNie zrobisz nic, by odwrócić biegRzeki, która płynie nie wiadomo gdziePozostaje tylko wierzyć, że wyrzuci kiedyś na przyjazny brzegWszystko, co przynosi czasGarści nowych możliwości i kolejnych szansWięcej miłości i mniej tak niepotrzebnych kłamstwWięcej zabliźnionych ranPamiętaj, mała kropla draży twardy głazRzeka życia płynie wciążMy płyniemy razem z niąUnosimy się z prądemZataczając życia krąg Gdzie jej kres? Gdzieś daleko stądFale rozbijają się o obiecany lądRasLuta

Opublikowany przez Krzysztof Lottig – Soundlove Medicine na 10 maja 2015

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1489527883771{padding-top: 15px !important;padding-right: 15px !important;padding-bottom: 15px !important;padding-left: 15px !important;background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.9) !important;*background-color: rgb(255,255,255) !important;border-radius: 5px !important;}”]Hang Drum (wymawia się „hung”) to jeden z najmłodszych instrumentów świata. Choć swoim brzmieniem może kojarzyć się z jakimiś egzotycznymi krajami, Hang Drum został zaprojektowany i do dziś dnia jest produkowany w Szwajcarii przez jedną „fabrykę” która nazywa się  PANArt. Hang Drum został zaprojektowany w 2000 roku w Szwajcarskim Bernie, a jego twórcami są Felix Rohner i Sabina Schärer. Od tamtej pory to właśnie oni jako jedyni produkują ten instrument.
Nazwa Hang Drum wywodzi się z języka jakiego używają mieszkańcy Berna i słowo „Hang” oznacza „dłoń”, czyli tłumacząc to na język polski Hang Drum to nic innego jak „ręczny bęben”. Jakkolwiek posiada w nazwie słowo bęben wielu z muzyków grających na tym instrumencie jest zdania, że nie można określać go mianem bębna, choć wszyscy zgadzają się, że jest to instrument perkusyjny. Jednak przecież nie każdy instrument perkusyjny jest bębnem, prawda? Zresztą wystarczy posłuchać brzmienia tego instrumentu, żeby móc samemu się zgodzić z tym, że nie do końca jest to bęben.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”15510″ img_size=”large” alignment=”center” style=”vc_box_rounded” onclick=”link_image”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1489527909531{padding-top: 15px !important;padding-right: 15px !important;padding-bottom: 15px !important;padding-left: 15px !important;background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.9) !important;*background-color: rgb(255,255,255) !important;border-radius: 5px !important;}”]Hang Drum zbudowany jest z dwóch części Ding oraz GU. Ding czyli górna część posiada osiem pól, które tworzą „krąg brzmienia” (skalę), oraz centralny punkt który swoim brzmieniem przypomina gong (sam ten punkt nazywa się również Ding). GU, czyli dolna część posiada otwór (o średnicy około 15 cm). Dolna część może zarówno być używana do wydawania dźwięków, jak i do modulacji brzmień górnej części Ding (poprzez przykrywanie otworu lub włożenie do niego ręki).  Jak dość łatwo wywnioskować Hang Drum poprawnie powinien być trzymany na lekko rozstawionych nogach w pozycji siedzącej, tak aby otwór GU był odsłonięty lub na stojaku perkusyjnym.

Ciekawostką jest fakt że jeden z instrumentów na którym obecnie gram – na moja prośbę nastrojony został wg skali PitagorejskiejKonspiracja dzwięku
A jeszcze inny – moja perełka ? OM – w 136.1o Hz C# [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Sunrise in the Temple Monkeys

My OMHang <3The Frequency of the Earth-YearTone: 136.10 Hz = C# (a1 = 432.1 Hz / 440 Hz – 31.4 cent)MP3 SampleTempo: 63.8 / 127.6 bpmColor: blue-greenChakra: Anahata – heart chakraEffect: relaxing, soothing, balancing (medicinal: sedative)The frequency of the year, C# with 136.10 Hz is the 32nd octave of the earth year. The corresponding colour is a turquoise, according to a wavelenght of about 500 Nanometers. The base of this tone is the rotation of the earth around the sun. This astronomic actually causes the changing of the seasons spring, summer, fall and winter on the earth. This is the second cosmic rhythm of our planet. As the frequency of the day influences the body, the frequency of the year influences the soul.In India this tone is the keynote of sitar and tambura music and is called "sadja" which also means "Father of the others". Also the sacred syllable "OM" is tuned to this tone like mostly all the religous temple music. Many bells and other instruments are tuned to this tone. Who wonders why Hindus talk so much about the soul and transmigration of the soul when knowing that their music is tuned to the frequency of the soul.The ancient Indians arrived at this tone through meditation, it was given to them intuitively and contemplatively by "opening up to the cosmos". But we have to calculate it with mathematics and physics. The really exact conformly of many of the examined bells and comparisons with instruments evidently show that divergencies very often appear to be far less than 1 Hz. This proves again that we are a microcosmos in resonance to the macrocosmos. This old statement of the hermetic sciences can now be proven in a very precise scientific way.The secret of the profound effects of Indian meditation music depends simply on the fact that it is exactly tuned to the course of events, to the "Tao". That's the rotation of the earth around the sun. Not only the in-struments but also the musicians and the audience are being attuned during the "alapa" (the tuning before the concert) to the everlasting tone, the sadjy. All the participants are in harmony with the cosmos which finds its echo in the human beings, who take part in this meditative music.According to Indian tradition, the sadjy, or "sa" for short, is the everlasting, never ceasing tone and as mentioned before is expressed through the syllable "OM".OM corresponds to the "Amen" in Christian churches. Amen means nothing else than "so be it". The "OM" also expresses "so be it", manifested through the everlasting tone. One can check it out for oneself by listening to original Indian meditation music, or even better meditate with this tone, humming or singing and letting yourself be impressed by it and so feel the power that lies within it.If not used to chant, press the oscillating tuning fork with 136.10 Hz (the frequency of the earth year) against the bottom of your breastbone or one fingers width lower. These are the point 17 and 16 of the front psychic meridian, the so called Ren-Mai-meridian. These points aro also located at the heart chakra.If you are not alone and have friend with you, you can have the tuning fork pressed on your back, on the 5th dorsal vertrebae of the spine. This point belongs to the second psychic meridian, the Du-Mai-meridian. The effect is similar to the treatment at the Ren-Mai-meridian. The whole thorax starts vibrating, which really has a wonderful relaxing effect. It is almost like singing the tone oneself. Letting it vibrate and resonate the thorax for awhile, it is easy to start humming the tone quietly. It is easy to find the tone, because humming the tone too high or too low, one feels it with the body and it is really to attune. In that way the tone is to be learned without great effort and by letting the vibrations flow more and more through the body, the whole body slowly becomes the tone. By this we mean not only bringing oneself into harmony with the tone and so with the Tao but also with the praying monks in North India, Tibet and the remaining world, who meditate to the sacred syllable "OM" and all who sing that tone.Only one who has meditated to this tone may have an idea, how deep the relaxing effect of this vibration is and how it calms the soul when one attunes oneself regularly to it.In Medicine this tone is mainly used for sedation. For releiving stress and for treating muscle spasm this tone is regarded as desirable. It has also proved effective for habitual headaches. The tonepuncture at about two finger widths to the left or the right of the spine at the height between the first and the second cervical vertebra is particularly pleasant.A medidation music, which is tuned to this tone also has powerful relaxing effect, and is recommended for nervousness and inner restlessness. Afterward one feels relieved, pleasantly and again much more receptive. In the European and Nort American society the demand for this vibration is the strongest. Intensive work with this tone can decrease the need for sedatives and narcotics. Great stress is often the cause of pain and therefore many people who meditate to this oscillation or have tonepunctur with it may need far less or even no more medication.The frequency of the year is the best oscillation for everyday stress relief, to regain inner peace, open blocked energy pathway and restore balance.Namaste <3

Opublikowany przez Krzysztof Lottig – Soundlove Medicine na 26 kwietnia 2016

[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”https://youtu.be/KHqcuPQIOCk?list=PLcWCweKJZH0yed2h0UZbgCJLIawzpNa_e”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1489527934027{padding-top: 15px !important;padding-right: 15px !important;padding-bottom: 15px !important;padding-left: 15px !important;background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.9) !important;*background-color: rgb(255,255,255) !important;border-radius: 5px !important;}”]HangPan , HangDrum, HangCaisaDrum

For me personally, this instrument is a cosmic fusion of Tibetan bowls, gongs and the „fifth element”.

Its beautiful, magical tones have a positive influence on mind and body as well as a soothing and calming effect; they are particularly stabilizing for our energy system.

Hang drum (pronounced ‘hung’) is one of the youngest instruments in the world. Although its sound may resemble that of some exotic countries, Hang Drum has been designed and until today produced in Switzerland by one “factory” called PANArt. Hang Drum was designed in 2000 in Bern, Switzerland, by Felix Rohner and Sabina Schärer. Since that time they have been the only people who produce this instrument.

The name Hang Drum comes from the language used by the citizens of Bern, and the word “Hang” means “hand”, so, translated into English, Hang Drum is nothing else but a “hand drum”. Despite the wording of its name, many musicians playing this instrument do not think it can be called a drum, though all of them agree that this is a percussion instrument. However, not every percussion instrument is a drum, right? Besides, it’s enough to listen to the sound of this instrument to agree that it is not exactly a drum.

Hang Drum consists of two parts, Ding and GU. Ding, the upper part, has eight fields which make the “ring of sound” (a scale) and a central point which sound resembles a gong (the point itself is called Ding). GU, the bottom part, has a slot (diameter of around 15 cm). The bottom part may be used to produce sounds as well as to modulate the sounds of the upper part – Ding (by covering the slot or putting the hand into it). It’s easy to guess that Hang Drum should be held in a sitting position, with legs slightly apart, so that the GU slot is uncovered, or on a percussion stand.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][/vc_row]